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Ο ήλιος φωτίζει τα σώματα τα , η δε σοφία τις ψυχές .Ο κόσμος είναι ένα ανάκτορο της σοφίας του Υψίστου . Ο Θεός άναψε κάθε μία ψυχή με το δικό του πυρ . Έτσι λάμπουν όλοι οι άνθρωποι με τη σοφία του σε αυτό το θέατρο , όπως ο Θεός τους έπλασε .-Μερικούς τους έκανε μεγάλα φώτα , σε άλλους μικρά.-(Κάρλος Λιναίος )


Η ελευθερία χωρίς τη μάθηση είναι πάντα σε κίνδυνο• η μάθηση χωρίς ελευθερία είναι πάντα μάταιη. Τζων Κέννεντυ .-

Δευτέρα 24 Μαΐου 2010



** Δυστυχώς φτάσαμε σε ένα τραγικό σημείο .- Η Ελληνική κοινωνία οδεύει προς το κατώτερο σημείο ομαλής λειτουργίας μιας κοινωνίας .- Έχουμε φτάσει σχεδόν στον πάτο , στο χείλος του γκρεμού , στο μηδέν .- Για την κατάσταση στην οποία βρισκόμαστε φταίμε όλοι μας .- Άλλοι περισσότερο , άλλοι λιγότερο .- Σίγουρα τη μεγαλύτερη ευθύνη έχουν οι πολιτικοί ταγοί αυτού του τόπου , οι πολιτικοί ηγέτες μας που όλοι εμείς δια της ψήφους μας εκλέγουμε .- Εμείς όμως ποτέ δεν νιώσαμε το κράτος ότι είναι δικό μας , ποτέ δε νιώσαμε ότι εμείς είμαστε το κράτος .-Όποτε μπορούσαμε να το εξαπατήσουμε το κάναμε , όποτε μπορούσαμε να του φορτώσουμε οικονομικά βάρη το κάναμε .-
Όσοι εργαζόμενοι για το κράτος ποτέ δεν νιώσαμε ότι πρέπει να προσφέρουμε σε αυτό , να προφέρουμε στο κράτος – εργοδότη αλλά το μόνο που μας ένοιαζε ήταν να μην κουραζόμαστε κατά τη διάρκεια της εργασίας μας ώστε να μπορούμε ξεκούραστοι να δουλεύουμε το υπόλοιπο της ημέρας για ατομικό όφελος .-
Σαν κοινωνία ξοδεύαμε ασύστολα χωρίς να αναλογιζόμαστε τα πραγματικά μας οικονομικά μεγέθη , σπαταλούσαμε φυσικούς πόρους στερώντας τους από τη ζωή των παιδιών μας .-
Σαν κοινωνία ξοδεύαμε ασύστολα χωρίς να αναλογιζόμαστε τα πραγματικά μας οικονομικά μεγέθη , σπαταλούσαμε φυσικούς πόρους στερώντας τους από τη ζωή των παιδιών μας .-
Σαν κοινωνία παράγουμε πολύ λιγότερα απ΄ όσα θα μπορούσαμε .- Δεν θέλουμε να παράγουμε . Θέλουμε ν ΄ αμειβόμαστε χωρίς να εργαζόμαστε .-
Σαν κοινωνία εισπράττουμε απίστευτο όγκο πληροφοριών χωρίς να τις επεξεργαζόμαστε και να αποκτούμε γνώσεις . – Τρομάζουμε με μεγάλη ευκολία ακούγοντας τους παντογνώστες τηλεσχολιαστές των παραθύρων και γινόμαστε εύκολα θύματα .- ** Παρακολουθούμε στους τηλεοπτικούς μας δέκτες πράγματα που συμβαίνουν δίπλα μας , πράγματα τραγικά και νομίζουμε ότι παρακολουθούμε κινηματογραφικά έργα .-
Θα θέλαμε ίσως οι πνευματικοί μας ηγέτες να μην κρύβονται , να μη φοβούνται , να μη σκέφτονται μόνο το ατομικό τους συμφέρον .- Θα θέλαμε να μιλάνε και η φωνή τους να φθάνει σ ΄ εμάς .-
** Σ ΄ αυτή την κρίσιμη στιγμή πρέπει να αφήσουμε την κυβέρνηση , που εμείς ψηφίσαμε , να κυβερνήσει .- Ας συμφωνήσουμε όλοι μας σε ένα νέο κοινωνικό σύστημα ανόδου , για να μη φτάσουμε ο ένας να τρώει τον άλλο ή ο κοινωνικός ιστός να μη σπάσει και να μπορέσουμε όλοι σαν Συνέλληνες αδελφωμένοι , να μπορέσουμε να περάσουμε αυτή τη θύελλα διαλύσεως που έρχεται μπροστά μας .-
** Πρέπει να διαμαρτυρηθούμε για την ποιότητα των μέτρων , να ζητήσουμε αλλαγές , να διαδηλώσουμε αλλά πρέπει ν ΄ αφήσουμε την κυβέρνηση να υλοποιήσει τις αποφάσεις της είτε είναι δικές της , είτε επέβαλλαν οι δανειστές μας .-
Μακάρι η κυβέρνηση ν ανακοίνωνε και μέτρα με αναπτυξιακό χαρακτήρα , μακάρι να έδινε προοπτική αισιοδοξίας , μακάρι να έδινε χρονοδιαγράμματα , μακάρι να μας έπειθε .-
** Πρέπει επιτέλους οι Έλληνες να σεβαστούμε τους θεσμούς τους και νόμους , να πονέσουμε για τα λάθη που έχουμε κάνει , αλλά ταυτόχρονα να κοιτάξουμε μπροστά , να ξεκινήσουμε ένα νέο μεγάλο κοινωνικό αγώνα από τη βάση που βρισκόμαστε τώρα .-
** Μακάρι να έμπαιναν μπροστά οι πολιτικοί μας εκπρόσωποι , μακάρι να αποφάσιζαν να χαράξουν θετική πορεία και να μην απολογούνται – γλείφοντας στους διάσημους τηλεσχολιαστές .-
Μακάρι οι ηγέτες μας να ήταν άξιοι της ιστορίας μας .-
Έως τότε όμως ……..
** ΑΣ ΦΡΟΝΤΙΣΟΥΜΕ ΝΑ ΠΑΡΟΥΜΕ ΑΥΤΑ ΠΟΥ ΜΑΣ ΧΡΕΩΣΤΑΕΙ Η ΓΕΡΜΑΝΙΑ ΑΠΟ ΤΟ Γ΄ΡΑΙΧ , απο τις καταστροές , απο τις εκτελέσεις , απο τους τόνους χρυσού που άρπαξαν απο την Τράπεζα Ελλάδας !

~**Ο/Η Δημήτρης Χίλιος έστειλε μήνυμα στα μέλη του Δημήτρης Χίλιος - Συγγραφέας.

Δημήτρης ΧίλιοςMay 24, 2010 at 10:40pm
(χωρίς θέμα)
Λίγο tv, λίγο θάλασσα & οι περικοπέςΆλλο ξαφνικό & τούτο προχθές Κυριακή στην tv.Κάτι συμβάσεις σε μουσεία, λέει, λιγάκι περίπλοκες (στη Β.Ελλάδα), ένα χωριό υφυπουργού ειδικά, είχε μεγάλη επιτυχία, άκου συμπτώσεις!Μετά προέκυψαν κάτι επιδοτήσεις σε Συλλόγους-Σωματεία-Ενορίες, παλιά κόλπα δοκιμασμένα. Μα να βγουν από τα ρούχα τους μέχρι & οι MEGA Σσββατοκύριακο; Κάτι ψέλλισε μια ωραιοτάτη υφυπουργός, άσε. Τι ψέλλισε δηλαδή, τον αμάζευτο είχε, πλην η πρέπουσα απάντηση δεν της δόθηκε. Επειδή δεν καλοθυμάμαι: Στην προηγούμενη κατάσταση ξεκίνησε το ξήλωμα του πουλόβερ τόσο νωρίς;Ε, πόσο να φωτίσει πια και το Άγιο Πνεύμα;Όταν το προς φωτισμόν καίει μαζούτ, όσα χρωματιστά λαμπάκια και να προσθέσεις, πάλι σαν λάμπα πετρελαίου θα φωτίζει.Ναι, παράπονο δεν έχω. Εξαπολύει πότε-πότε ο κ. Πάγκαλος καμμιά καλή & ξεπικρίζει το πράγμα, αλλά αρκεί αυτό;Καλοκαίρι έρχεται, όλοι αναζητούμε κάτι πιο φωτεινό, πιο αλέγρο, πιό με γεύση καρπούζι & άρωμα καρύδας. Είναι που ψάχνουμε τρόπους διασκέδασης εκ των ενόντων.Τελικά υπέροχη ήταν σήμερα η θάλασσα, παρά τα όσα κακόβουλα διέδιδε η κ. Μέρκελ μέσω της ΕΜΥ για να μας πανικοβάλει θέλοντας να περικόψει & ακόμα τα λουτρά του εργαζόμενου.Πού να κατουράει την μπύρα της όρθια, η παλιο...., άσε δεν συνεχίζω.Ο ήλιος τέλειος κι αυτός, αν κι έπαιξε μαζί μας κρυφτό πίσω από ένα τούλι ανάλαφρο.Όλα καλά μωρέ, όρεξη να έχει κανείς. Και για φαγητό, δεν λέω, αλλά & για τουρνέ σε ακρογυάλια μικρά, σαν αγκαλίτσες.Ελάτε, ελάτε, αφήστε τα μίση. Καταπιαστείτε με τρυφερότερες διαδικασίες. Καλοκαίρι, όλα χαλαρώνουν πλην των μέτρων και των περικοπών, που να τους κοπεί... άσε, δεν το λέω. Είπαμε: Τα καρπούζια τρίζουν τη νύχτα μεγαλώνοντας.

Δημήτρης Χίλιος

**Ο/Η πενεστας νικηφορος έστειλε μήνυμα στα μέλη του ΟΧΙ ΤΖΑΜΙ ΣΤΟ ΒΟΤΑΝΙΚΟ 4.

πενεστας νικηφοροςMay 24, 2010 at 9:02pm

euroliberty (
Δευτέρα, 24 Μαΐου 2010 7:53:55 μμ

The purpose of education is to train young people how to use their minds, to use their capacity to think and reason. A proper education provides students with knowledge of the facts, and more importantly, knowledge of how to gain new facts in order to live and pursue values. Public education, by definition, cannot meet the goals of a proper education. Because the state funds public schools, it not only provides the facilities housing the students but it determines the content taught in them. As such, children in such schools learn what the state determines they should learn, with all of the ideological biases that advocates of public schooling endorse. Under state-subsidized schooling, students don't necessarily learn facts, and how to acquire new knowledge; they learn state-sanctioned facts, and state-sanctioned methods of acquiring knowledge. Public schools are controlled by the government and subject to all the ills of government bureaucracy and power. Private and home schools are run, in varying ways, by parents. Private schools are dependent upon the satisfaction of parents in order to remain in business. They do not control the children in their care. Instead, families retain their authority and hire the schools for certain aspects of raising their children.Government schools never sought the permission of parents to educate children. Instead, they used force to secure their audience. As is only natural, the arrogance of the state and its contempt for parents has grown with the years. So also has its power over society.Basil Venitis favors ending government involvement in education. Any influence by the state over education corrupts its goals, and therefore the ability of its graduates to think and reason. Only a full separation of education and state allows for parents to choose how best to equip their children to function in the world. Anything less is a violation of the parents', and child's, rights. National standards and testing cannot overcome the deficiencies of schooling, which are rooted in the public education system's power and incentive structure. National standards would strengthen government power over education while weakening schools' direct accountability to parents and taxpayers.. Centralized standard-setting will likely result in the standardization of mediocrity rather than establishing standards of excellence. While proponents of national standards point to the variation in local standards, the rigor and content of national standards will face pressure to scale down toward the lowest common denominator, undercutting high quality standards. Basil Venitis asserts that a real public school is not defined by who owns it, but by universal access and accountability to the public for results. It matters little whether public schools are run by a school board, a group of parents, a teachers union, a company, or a church. Once public money flows to private schools, they are no longer really private. The government's hooks will be firmly set to brainwash and dumb down the kids, in the name of public accountability. Vouchers open the door to government control of private schools. Private schools are already regulated by every State, but they are not as regulated as public achools. If the voucher plan is ever embraced in a big way, we can expect elaborate criteria for determining which schools may accept vouchers. Public schools dumb down the curriculum, in teaching pseudoesteem over knowledge, in challenging Graecoroman notions of truth and virtue, and in convincing children that their parents are not to be trusted. It is an insidious bargain that encourages young people to stop thinking for themselves in exchange for living in a statist world in which they will never be held accountable and will never be expected to care for themselves. Classrooms are filled with note-passers and texters, who casually ignore teachers struggling to make it to the end of the 50-minute period. Smart kids are bored, and slower kids are left behind. Anxiety about standardized tests is high, and scores are consistently low. National surveys find that parents despair over the quality of education — and they're right to, as test results confirm again and again. Venitis asserts the public school monopoly has to be ended, and genuine competition has to be restored. The National Education Association's #1 priority isn't quality education. It is its members' financial and political power. American Federation of Teachers President Al Shanker, who was one of this century's best labor union presidents, once openly admitted, "I will begin to care about the quality of children's education in this country when they start paying union dues." Now, this may shock you, but it really shouldn't surprise you. Education, like any other service, is best provided by the free market, achieving greater quality and efficiency with more diversity of choice. Public schools should be managed locally to achieve greater accountability and parental involvement. Recognizing that the education of children is inextricably linked to moral values, venitists would return authority to parents to determine the education of their children, without interference from kleptocrats. In particular, parents should have responsibility for all funds expended for their children's education. Government should stay out of education. Venitis declares Eton is the best school on Earth, a paradigm for all schools to follow. Eton, is a British private lyceum for boys. All students board. It was founded in 1440 by King Henry VI. Eton has a very long list of distinguished alumni, including twenty former prime ministers. Traditionally, Eton is the chief nurse of England's statesmen and the most famous school in the world. No other school can claim to have sent forth such a brigade of distinguished figures to make their mark on the world. Etonians include Premier David Cameron of UK and Mayor Boris Johnson of London. Homeschool is a legal option in many places, for parents to provide their children with a learning environment as an alternative to school. Parents cite numerous reasons as motivations to homeschool, including better academic test results, poor school environment, improved character development, and objections to what is taught in school. There is nothing wrong with laying out suggestions for what the average child should know by a certain grade. But most kids aren't the average child, and the Common Core State Standards Initiative is not just suggestions. All kids are different. They grow, mature, and learn at different rates, and develop different talents and interests. In light of that obvious reality, to build an education system that treats all kids as if they are the same is insanity. Simplistic rhetoric of national-standards advocates notwithstanding, research simply does not demonstrate that national standards lead to superior educational outcomes. And, no, adopting the Common Core standards is not voluntary. With states risking billions of federal dollars if they don't adopt them, the standards are for all intents and purposes federal standards, and their adoption mandatory. One of the greatest gifts we can give to succeeding generations is the ability to think for themselves, and that means challenging the government monopoly of thought in education directly. It will be a struggle. All it takes is a trip to the ruins of the Berlin Wall to remind us that governments never give up power voluntarily. It is up to us to reassert our rights and recover our responsibilities. Venitis points out that half of one's knowledge is outdated within four years! Thinking should be the top priority of education. The proper goal of education is to foster the conceptual development of the child, to instill in him the knowledge and cognitive powers needed for mature life. It involves taking the whole of human knowledge, selecting that which is essential to the child's conceptual development, presenting it in a way that allows the student to clearly grasp both the material itself and its value to his life, and thereby supplying him with both crucial knowledge and the rational thinking skills that will enable him to acquire real knowledge ever after. Unschool refers to a range of educational practices on allowing children to learn through their natural life experiences, including child directed play, game play, household responsibilities, and social interaction, rather than through the confines of a school. Unschool differs from school principally in that standard curricula and of school, are counterproductive to the goal of maximizing the education of each child. Basil Venitis,, asserts that public school employee unions are politically partisan and polarizing institutions. 95% of their contributions have gone to antivenitists. Not entirely coincidentally, venitists have often accused these unions of simultaneously raising the cost and lowering the quality of public schools. Many advocates of charter schools, vouchers, education tax credits, homeschoolig, and unschooling, have cited union political influence as the greatest impediment to their chosen reforms. Increasingly, states and school districts are using technology or online learning to improve the delivery and efficiency of elementary and secondary education. As many as one million children in USA are participating in some form of online learning. Today, 27 states offer statewide virtual schools that allow students to take classes online, and 24 states and the District of Columbia allow students to attend a virtual school full time. Online learning can be more than lectures. Another element involves presenting information in an interactive form, which can be used to find out what a student knows and doesn't know. Teachers have very few tools to gauge just how many students are grasping a concept in real time and reshape the curriculum to meet their needs. Few people have a clear picture of what online education really looks like, which is one reason so many people are reluctant to consider what it has to offer. Learning online won't turn your country into a nation of home-schooled nerds, sitting in their basements, keyboards clacking. And it doesn't mean handing your kids over to robots for the day. Some online learning models eliminate human interaction, but the vast majority do not. Instead, they connect students and teachers via polls, video, chat, text and good old-fashioned phone calls. Online education gives students in dysfunctional urban districts the chance to enroll in high-quality classes or language instruction without an expensive move to a suburban district or a private school. Cities benefit, too, as families uncomfortable with the quality of urban public schools can continue to live near their downtown offices while enrolling their children in Web-based programs, reducing white flight and suburban sprawl. But though the families of students enrolled in online programs rave about them, cultural resistance has been slow to fade. And winning hearts and minds isn't the only hurdle to widespread adoption: Virtual education remains essentially illegal in many states, including New York, New Jersey and Connecticut. Seat-time requirements, which mandate that students' butts be in classroom chairs, often within the sightline of a qualified teacher, for a certain number of hours, are a major barrier. The only way online education companies can respond to concerns about quality and age-appropriateness is if they are given the chance to experiment and win over students and parents. Government policies need to be tweaked, and companies need investment to grow. But for online education to really take off, we need to let the chalkboard in the little red schoolhouse go, and learn to love the glow of a child's face lit by a laptop screen.
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~** [capitalismos] UNCOLLEGING‏
Από: capitalismos (
Εστάλη: Δευτέρα, 24 Μαΐου 2010 7:38:17 μμ

Basil Venitis,, points out uncollege is much better than college! We live in a world where information can be found online for just about anything. What can't be found online can be found in books, and what can't be found in books can be found through internships, jobs, and mentors. Do not waste your time with colleges and eggheads. There is a glut of college graduates in the labor market. Many of them move back home with their parents and take jobs that do not require a college degree.

The everybody-must-go-to-college doctrine is hardly a blessing. How many young people are delivering pizzas with a diploma on the wall and a big student loan keeping them up at night? It's true that the watered-down, increasingly worthless bachelor's degree today is expected for nearly every job, but let's not fool ourselves: For most grads it's little more than a signal to potential employers that they had the perseverance to get up early four years running and jump through all the required hoops. That tells a human-resources director enough about an applicant to separate him from a rival who didn't do those things. It doesn't say anything about what he knows or can do.

Venitis notes that many colleges offer instruction online. An increasing number of colleges, such as MIT, Yale, Stanford, UC Berkley, Oxford, and Cambridge, are placing course content, including lectures and instructional materials, online for free. There are many programs that allow students to earn college credits by studying and completing an exam remotely. Through these types of programs, a student can earn college credit through self-study at a fraction of the cost of a traditional college course.

Venitis asserts that college is very expensive. Total average tuition, room and board for a bachelor's degree is around $100,000. 80% of all students graduate with more than $30,000 in debt, and 40% say it will take them ten years to pay off their debt. College tuitions are so expensive specifically because the government has guaranteed student loans. Guaranteed loans don't mean more access to education, but rather that universities are free to charge more per pupil than if their customers were paying out-of-pocket.

Obama's plan only serves to remove more market forces and creates an even bigger moral hazard. Under the new rules, students will be required to repay a much smaller portion of what they borrow. As a result, students will be willing to borrow even greater amounts of cash to pay inflated tuitions, making it that much easier for colleges and universities to raise them.

Since the government will actually be loaning the money directly, rather than simply guaranteeing private-sector loans, the Treasury will actually have to borrow the money itself before it can relend it to students. The irony of going into debt to loan money never registers in Washington. As this bill will cause tuitions to rise even faster, it will necessitate even larger loans that will produce even greater taxpayer losses when the loans end in default.

More than half of college students require six or more years to finish their degree. Going to college requires commitment and dedication, and you'll need to be in it for the long haul. In order to graduate, you'll need to take some courses that are not relevant to your interests and passion. The average college freshman spends ten hours a week partying, eight hours a day engaged with media and technology, including games, cell phones, TV, and social networks, and only ten hours a week actually studying.

Students go to prestigious institutions because these schools have great reputations, which, in turn, allows students to get the best jobs. In other words, students who go to elite institutions want the faculty to concentrate on research and raising funds because that is how universities get the best reputations. Therefore, what students are purchasing is not an education, but prestige and reputation. Nevertheless, parents, students, and taxpayers should know where their money is actually going, and everyone should be concerned about the quality of education. If students at elite institutions do not get an effective education, but they do get to purchase prestige, our society will produce leaders, workers, and citizens who lack the basic skills and knowledge to be effective inside and outside of the workplace.

Most top presidents and self-made billionaires dropped out of high school or college! The list includes Bill Gates(Microsoft), Larry Page(Google), Michael Dell(Dell), David Geffen(Geffen Records), Steve Jobs(Apple), Richard Branson(Virgin), Ralph Lauren(Ralph Lauren), Jerry Yang(Yahoo) and Zuckerberg(Facebook). Zuckerberg and Gates went to Harvard. Page and Yang both attended Stanford. Jobs only completed one semester at Reed College in Portland, Oregon. Dell left the University of Texas at 19. Geffen dropped out of three universities before launching his record label. Lauren went to Baruch College in New York City, but left after two years. Branson, a mild dyslexic, never made it out of high school. Ford Motors founder, Henry Ford, never had any formal education, outside his training as a machinist.

The best colleges in the world today are the private colleges in America. The gulf between them and the state-funded colleges in equally rich countries such as France, Germany, Italy, Japan, or South Korea, where there are few private colleges of note, is so huge that the lesson cannot be avoided, colleges need independence to flourish. It is interesting that the intermediate group of colleges are those in Britain and Australia where colleges, though funded and over-regulated by the state, nonetheless retain significant autonomy.

Even Fourth Reich(EU) agrees, and the Commission reports that American colleges are better than Europe's, because European colleges generally have less to offer and lower financial resources than their equivalents in other developed countries, particularly USA. American colleges have far more substantial means than those of European colleges and beteer eggheads. The gap between the US and EU expenditure stems primarily from the low level of private funding of higher education in Fourth Reich.

The best college of Europe is Oxford University. Most of the present UK cabinet members are from Oxford: David Cameron, Theresa May, George Osborne, William Hague, Michael Gove, Chris Huhne, Danny Alexander, Dominic Grieve, Jeremy Hunt, Philip Hammond, David Willetts, George Young.

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Από: εκ μέρους euroliberty (
Παρασκευή, 14 Μαΐου 2010 1:32:23 μμ

Greeks are fed up with all politicians. A range of government policies since the end of dictatorship in 1974 have made them feel powerless and betrayed by a centralized kleptocracy that claims to know what is good for them better than they do themselves. The welfare Graecokleptocracy has created not a feeling of security but a culture of dependency on crumbs and sinecures and a loss of responsibility. The all-powerful 300 Graecokleptocrats are willing to say anything to fool Greeks and do anything to get kickbacks.Graecokleptocrats are trying to deflect the attention of Greeks away from political corruption, towards taxdodgers, aka tax heroes. That's why the Greek finance ministry on Thursday published a list of 57 Athens-area doctors, dentists, and other healthcare professionals that are investigated by the financial crimes squad and found guilty of major tax violations and concealing income.Basil Venitis,, points out that for 35 years since dictatorship, Pasokleptocrats and Neodemokleptocrats who took turns in running Greece, the most corrupt country on Earth, borrowed as if there were no tomorrow, and they received 200 billion euros in kickbacks from Siemens, JPMorgan, Goldman Sachs, MAN, Daimler, Deutsche Bahn, Ferrostaal, Krauss-Maffei Wegmann, antitrust, military purchases, monasteries, and many more. Through mismanagement, robbery, kickbacks, and nepotism, they drove the cradle of democracy to the brink of bankruptcy with a public debt of 350 billion euros.Graecokleptocrats also published a list of the annual profits declared by 150 healthcare tax heroes under investigation in the plush Athens district of Kolonaki and other areas, including a dentist with total declared annual profits of 300 euros, a famous heart surgeon that declared profits of only 8,125 euros over the entire year, and a famous surgeon that declared 11,605 euros.Michael Christoforakos, the former president of Siemens Hellas, set a videocamera in his Siemens office, producing DVDs starring 200 Graecokleptocrats, kept at two public notaries. Christoforakos has the tiptop Greek politicians on DVD kowtowing to him for more kickbacks in exchange for lucrative overpriced contracts! The DVDs prove that Premier Costas Simitis, 10 ministers, and 80 MPs of Pasok, Premier Costas Caramanlis, 8 ministers, and 75 MPs of Nea Democratia, and 20 journalists shared two billion euros of kickbacks. Christoforakos, who now lives in Munich, identified John Bartholomew of Nea Democratia and Costas Geitonas of Pasok as the coordinators of kickbacks. Siemens set aside 10% of the revenue it received from state contracts to pay off Nea Democratia and Pasok as part of a bribery system that ran from 1975 to 2007.Graecokleptocrats also published lists of doctors and clinics for whom fines had already been decided and the declared incomes and bank deposits of 12 orthopedic surgeons under investigation for the DePuy scandal. The confirmed tax heroism included failure to give receipts, failure to record patients in the patients' book, not issuing despatch orders and refusing to present accounts books.Dimitris Daskalopoulos, president of Hellenic Federation of Enterprises(SEV), points out there is an unwillingness among politicians to saw off the branch they are sitting on. Daskalopoulos asserts the political system is desperately in need of reform in order for the country's lawmakers to be more accountable to the people. But Premier George Papandreou, Parliament Speaker Filippos Petsalnikos, and Justice Minister Haris Kastanidis, who cover up all Graecokleptocrats, accuse venitists of trying to flatten everything. No Graecokleptocrat has ever gone to jail! Venitis asserts that impunity of the 300 Graecokleptocrats is the most freakish justice in the world! The most infamous house on Earth is the Greek Parliament, aka the Grand Brothel on Syntagma Square, which houses 300 wild prostitutes, minotaurs that suck the blood of Greeks! It's a long way from the 300 Spartans of Leonidas to the 300 Graecokleptocrats of the Grand Brothel! Allons enfants de la Grece! Nothing could make Greeks happier than to see the Greek Parliament, the Grand Brothel on Syntagma Square, burned down to ashes! This brothel is the center of corruption of Fourth Reich(EU), the cradle of kleptocracy, the source of all evil in Greece, a shitscum mill.Bewildered Greeks have had enough of Robin-Hood-style income redistribution and of confiscatory taxes on wages, savings, investment, and entrepreneurship. The tax system is on the verge of collapse. A global tax revolt is brewing. To prevent it from boiling over, governments will, as a last resort, finally turn to venitism. Governments eventually do the right thing, after they exhaust all other possibilities and excuses.It's your venitist duty to avoid and evade taxes all the way! Venitis points out that tax competition between jurisdictions holds down the cancer of government, and all people experience more opportunities and more wealth. If businesses and individuals are discouraged from investing outside their own jurisdictions, they will simply choose to work less and take no major business risks. All antivenitist governments are corrupt, and without the last bastions of freedom, aka taxhavens, enforcing financial privacy, citizens would have noplace to protect their financial assets from kleptocrats, kidnappers,extortionists, blackmailers, and thugs. Evade taxes now as much as you can! Starve the beast by fighting taxes.We must find opportunities to sue the government when it oversteps its constitutional authority, and support those elected officials who will fight in court for our venitist rights. We must do this and more and do it all peacefully. When venitism is on the march, peaceful means are all that are required to prevail. Since this is such a critical battle in the war for venitism, you should take the following oath:I pledge to fight every day for venitism. I embrace peace and reject violence to achieve venitism. I demand infinitesimal government, free markets, and individual liberty in my country. I will keep my children free by ending programs that put them in debt. I refuse to grab the product of others.I accept spirituality, but not religion.I will provide charity only when I choose. I will avoid and evade taxes, especially VAT, as much as possible.I will work to elect venitists who will dratically cut spending and taxes. I will hold the government accountable to the constitution through action in the courts. I will pass the venitist spirit to future generations.Basil Venitis asserts that VAT is a trademark of slavery and a destruction power of myriad watts. VAT is the main culprit of the Fourthreichian financial meltdown. The Fourthreichian taxation is based on the VAT monstrosity against poor people! The most unfair tax is VAT, the calamity of Fourth Reich(EU); that's why Vatbuster Venitis urges all Fourthreichians to evade this tax of misery as much as possible! Fourthreichians are yoked with a 15-25% VAT, value added tax. In Canada, VAT is only 5%. The burden of VAT falls on final consumers of products. Refusing to pay VAT is a heroic act. Vatwar is here to stay until VAT is abolished.In Fourth Reich(EU), a small VAT was first enacted in 1967. At that time, Fourth Reich and the United States both confiscated about $0.27 out of every dollar of national income. Since the introduction of the VAT in Fourth Reich, that continent's average tax take has gone from 27% to 41% of GDP, nearly a 50% increase in just four decades. There is currently a minimum VAT rate requirement of 15% to be a member of Fourth Reich, and an average VAT rate of 20%. Meanwhile, the vatless United States still taxes at about the same level as it did in 1967. The experience of Fourth Reich should teach us that the imposition of a VAT is too often the precursor to bigger government. It is simply too easy for politicians to raise a tax that is hidden from citizens.President Obama and Congressional Democrats have proposed a series of tax hikes on the American people to pay their massive new government spending. Former Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker, who heads up a presidential tax reform commission, asserts a VAT is a good idea! But the US Senate passed the antivat resolution: It is the sense of the Senate that the Value Added Tax is a massive tax increase that will cripple families on fixed income and only further push back America's economic recovery.VAT, aka kleptocrat's grab, is a regressive tax; the poor pay higher percentage of their income. Revenues from VAT are much lower than expected, because they are difficult and costly to administer and collect. Since any double-digit VAT leads many venitists to underground economy, most vatstruck Fourthreichians evade VAT! As a matter of fact, if you are a real patriot, you should boycott shops that charge VAT! VAT is the cacothanasia of Fourth Reich!Venitis points out the imposition of a VAT is too often the precursor to bigger government. It is simply too easy for kleptocrats to raise a tax that is hidden from citizens. VAT is embedded in the final cost of the goods sold, and is hidden to the consumer. VAT is applied at every stage of consumption, from wholesale to retail. It is passed along until it literally becomes as much an inherent and cloaked component in the price as transportation or raw materials. As a result, countries that have adopted VAT have been sorely tempted to raise the rate over time.When VATs started out in Europe in the 1960s, they were small, usually less than 5%. Today, the average VAT rate in Europe is 20%. If your country wants to join the European Union, you have to have a minimum VAT rate of 15% so that people won't take retail shopping vacations in your cities. Norway, Denmark, and Sweden win the dubious award of having the world's highest VAT rate at 25%. This floor and ceiling of VAT prices is a clear violation of antitrust laws, price fixing, pure and simple!Greeks are at war against their government over the 23% VAT. Vatmonger Greek government harasses Greeks by pressuring them to demand receipts when they buy products. Greeks who cannot gather many receipts are penalized with more taxes! Venitis asserts that transforming citizens to VAT enforcers is disgusting, undignified, and against basic human freedoms. President Van Rompuy should call vatmonger PM Papandreou on the carpet now. Venitis muses that Lysistrata has convinced Greek women to not give birth to more vatstrucks! Yes, Greek women have stopped producing babies until VAT is abolished! This is the second strike organized by Lysistrata. The original strike organized by Lysistrata was the sex refusal until the war is over. Now women will give sex, but no babies! If vatmonger Graecokleptocrats want to have offspring, they must abolish VAT, pure and simple!Vatstrucks are feeling a growing panic as they watch their constitutional republic descend into a vatmonger republic. Mahatma Gandhi's said we should be the change we want to see. Gandhi also said that civil disobedience becomes a sacred duty when the state has become lawless and corrupt. Vatsruckss instinctively understand this which is why grassroots of resistance to VAT are leading to a Gandhi-style civil disobedience movement powerful enough to undo this monstrosity. Most Herculean tasks of Global Tax Revolt begin with Hercules getting orders from a hidden tape recorder and an envelope of photos of vatmongers and information which explains the war against VAT. The tape always begins with "Good Morning Hercules", explains the situation, and ends with "Your mission, should you decide to accept it", with a brief explanation of the goal of the mission against VAT, along with a reminder that "as always, should you or any of your force be caught or killed, Baz will disavow any knowledge of your actions. At the end of the tape's instructions, Hercules is notified "this tape will self-destruct in five seconds", and smoke emits from the tape and the instructions are destroyed.Revolt against vatmongers follows a dozen venitist strategies:1. False Claims of Taxes Paid. Businesses create false invoices for the purchase of inputs they never bought and get bigger deductions for taxes paid than they are entitled to.2. Credit Claimed for Non-Creditable Purchases. Typically, VATs have a variety of rates and exemptions. For example, basic needs such as food, medicine, and clothing often receive preferential VAT rates or outright exemptions from the tax, as do certain industries considered economically vital or politically sensitive. Businesses that sell both VAT-exempt and non-exempt items have an incentive to allocate the purchase of supplies they use to produce exempt items toward the production of non-exempt items. 3. Bogus Traders. Businesses are set up exclusively to produce VAT invoices so other businesses can claim refunds on taxes they never paid.4. Hidden Sales. Professional service providers, such as doctors and lawyers, often engage in this kind of heroism. They offer relatively high-value services, but their purchases from other businesses are relatively low cost. They charge their unknowing customers full price and collect the proper amount of VAT on the sale. But to the authorities, they show that they charged a lower price. The service provider forwards to the government less tax than it collected from its customers and pockets the difference.5. Receipt Exchange. There are many brokers and traders of real and fake receipts.6. Missing Traders. Many inporters from member States sell products with VAT, and then disappear, without forwarding the VAT to the government.7. Carousels. A chain of buffer traders can be formed between the original missing importer and the final exporter, helping to blur the link between the final reclaim of VAT and the original importer.8. Next Seller. If a seller insists on charging VAT, cancel the sale and go to another seller.9. List. Keep a list of product providers who are willing not to charge VAT.10. Tradeoff. Barter your vote for a politician's promise to abolish VAT.11. Explode. Release your anger against VAT to the media and politicians.12. Critical Mass. Become a firefly that promotes the Global Tax Revolt.A call to arms! The global vatwar has errupted. Venitis points out vatmongers demand vatstrucks to surrender, but vatstrucks shout the heroic molon-lave of the 300 Spartans of Leonidas and the mighty words of Winston Churchill:* We shall fight VAT on the seas and shores.* We shall fight VAT with growing confidence and growing strength.* We shall defend our land from VAT whatever the cost maybe.* We shall fight VAT on the beaches.* We shall fight VAT on the shopping grounds.* We shall fight VAT in the markets and the streets.* We shall fight VAT in the shops. * We shall never surrender to vatmongers.
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**** , Πέμπτη, 04 Μαρτίου 2010

&& , Τρίτη, 25 Μαΐου 2010
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